Carrying the Fire Class

Paul's unprecedented monthly lecture series fuses science and art, and offers an intelligent map of extraordinary human capacities

A riveting monthly lecture series now completing its ninth season.

As world leaders in the field of extraordinary experience and extra-physical field interaction, Paul (with Patty Richards as his guest lecturer) offer remarkable lectures on the process of attaining extraordinary perception, intent, and advanced consciousness while functioning extremely well in ordinary, everyday life.

Each video broadcast is a powerful segment complete with interactive exercises, telephone or zoom video participation, and multimedia resources. Each class is 4 hours in length with a new one offered each month.

The 2025 series is advanced training designed for those who would like to become as effective as possible at carrying what Paul and Patty believe to be a precious and perishable flame-the flame of healthy use of power and intelligently engaged energetic awareness devoted to creating a compassionate world.

Carrying the Fire is designed for those who, at a minimum, have attended other Senté classes and had individual sessions. Recommended preparation: The THROUGH THE EYES OF A SEER audio course available here. Attendance in Patty Richards' ENERGETICS OF LIFE AND LOVE Level One subscription class is excellent preparation and highly recommended.

Please note: Instructor approval is required for attendance in Carrying the Fire. Please email [email protected] if you are interested.

This class is a subscription membership series which automatically bills $149 per month beginning on the date of enrollment. Members may dis-enroll at any time.

**If you are interested in attending just one month (vs enrolling in the subscription class,) or for more information please email [email protected].

Classes are posted online for an entire month--easy to view if you need to miss the class or just want to re-watch.


  • Jan. 19, 2024 3pm-7:15pm pacific
  • Feb. 16
  • March 16
  • April 13
  • May 18
  • June 15
  • July 13
  • Aug. 10
  • Sept. 14
  • Oct. 19
  • Nov. 23
  • Dec. 21

"We are blown away by class last night. Deeply appreciating knowing you and running behind the train catching as much of the information, energy and joy as possible. Billions and billions of thanks across this galaxy, Paul and Patty, now and always."

-J.B. and K.O ~Washington

Your Instructor

Paul Richards
Paul Richards

Science and Technology

Paul Richards is an extraordinary educator and lecturer in the field of advanced Attention, Martial Arts, and Perception.

Paul has a professional background in Aerospace and Technology. He is an accomplished martial artist and holds the black belt rank of fourth dan, and the title of Renshi (teacher of warriors). He has been actively practicing martial arts for 42 years.

Throughout the 1980's as an application engineer and high reliability project manager, Paul contributed to the Space Shuttle program, the Supercollider, the Keck Telescope, and other advanced technical projects. He served as...

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...vice president of two aerospace companies, and as president of a third.

In 1988, Paul resigned from his aerospace position to form a training facility, the Senté Center, to advance the scientific understanding of extraordinary perception, and the fields and forces that underlie human interactions and performance. He began consulting on ways to enhance professional and personal presence, and performance.

The Study of Consciousness

From earliest childhood Paul experienced visual impressions of energy fields that appeared to suffuse people, as well as frequent spontaneous episodes of precognition. He was technically oriented, and by his teenaged years he recorded his observations in a notebook he carried with him, which could be compared to predicted events as they occurred. By his mid twenties he had built up enough data that he provisionally accepted the existence of non-physical field interactions.

He sought further concrete training and so participated in an embryonic research study of extrasensory phenomena at the UCLA Neuropsychology Laboratory. After his period at UCLA, Paul continued active study with a psychologist and consciousness researcher. Later mentors included two advanced practitioners of the meditative arts of Ramana Maharshi and Sai Baba. He received thirteen years of highly specialized individual training in advanced attention and perception.

Martial Arts
During Paul's years at the University of California, he joined the world of Shotokan Karate and became a lifelong devotee of martial arts, training under the auspices of the late tenth degree black belt, Hidetaka Nishiyama and his proteges, Sensei'sTokojiru Mori and Steve Ubl.

In later years he trained extensively with Sensei George Clark and with Sensei Aaron Ortega, the son of noted martial artist Sensei Jerry Piddington.

Music, Writing, and Radio
Paul is an accomplished musician and the author of several books (both fiction and nonfiction). He also penned numerous training manuals mapping the energetic systems of humans and the environment, and a number of technical articles in the field of aerospace technology.

As a young man, he worked in the American music industry, producing, performing, and writing for Ranwood Records and independently. He had material published by Elton John’s Rocket Records, among others. For five years he produced the Max Image Radio Theater, which was distributed over the National Public Radio satellite system.

The Sente Center

Paul established an independent consulting practice while living in New Zealand, and later moved to Ashland, Oregon. There, together with his wife, lecturer and former Nurse Practitioner Patty Richards, he founded the Senté Center in 1992. Among their specialties is teaching the energetics of extraordinary relationship—about which the two co-wrote the book, Wild Attraction.

Currently, Paul lectures full time at the Center, produces educational programs, and has created an extensive archival library on attention, perception, and profound movement. He continues to offer individual and group training in the fusion of science, art, and the intelligently mapped extraordinary capacities of human beings

"The beauty and hard earned perspective you brought to us on Sunday is priceless. The layers in this event are so multiple I am inspired by the fact of its creation. Fantastic!

- S.P ~New Zealand

"The weekend was brilliant and important.

It is changing me in ways I feel throughout my entire system, but for which I have no words. Thank you."

- S.V. ~Oregon

"Your commitment and ability to take such complex insights and designs and bring them forward to others is breathtaking!"

- M.A ~California

"Thank you for the absolutely amazing culmination and completion of Carrying the Fire today, it inspired and touched me deeply.

May we learn to carry the flame of inspiration and creativity that you have so powerfully, artfully, beautifully and completely displayed and given us. It is such an honor and privilege to be on this path with you."

-K.T. ~Oregon

"Thank you again for the afterchat this month, which was such a beautiful broadcast of incredible precision and depth of communication.

So much gratitude for this priceless drink of reality.

I am feeling more at one with life and able to relax open to meet it and actually look at the beings around me with curiosity and less of myself.

-S.K. ~Oregon

"What a powerhouse of a class! I don't know how many times we can say, 'you out did yourself'. But again you did. It was a total Wow. Beautifully done. Thank you!!!I

- A.D. ~Oregon

"I feel compelled to tell you how grateful I am for Sente. I'm in the process of watching the end of the afterchat from the Carrying the Fire I missed live last month, and I'm overcome with emotion. I don't know why and I don't really care to understand it mentally, but I just feel so incredibly grateful. And lucky, and privileged to be included in what you are doing and offering and sharing. Thank You! Thank You!

-C.M. ~Oregon

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I attend the class?
You can attend live, if you're in Ashland, OR. Or, you can attend the live after chat from anywhere in the world with an internet connection or a phone line. We watch the broadcast first, then tune in to the live afterchat by video conference, and/or phone if you don't have access to a computer or internet.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have access to the monthly broadcast for a full month. After the live class, we will load the afterchat, which is available to watch until next month!