Depth is a language we can eloquently speak, a line on which we can learn to move up or down as desired and depending on the needs of the moment.In a raw technical sense, depth is a measure of the number of simultaneous connections we can maintain between reference points in our environment. This translates into tangible qualities of presence and intelligence.
In the upcoming workshop one of our key aims is to expand our ability to maintain links between otherwise disparate reference points, and to make choices about the size of the inter-connective net we cast, moment by moment.
The earlier workshops allowed us to introduce the first six out of a total of eighteen elements represented as paddles on the waterwheel. These are: Form, Power, Content, Sources of intent, Spacetime, and Language. This time our focus will be on the seventh, eighth, and ninth paddle wheels in our model: Depth, Reference Points, and Reality. All can be life-changing explorations.
Paul and Patricia Richards are pioneers in the rapidly developing field of energetic seeing. They enjoyed successful careers in aerospace, martial arts, and medicine prior to forming the Senté Center, an innovative training facility, in 1992. Their groundbreaking work on the role played by Energy in human health, empowerment, and relationship is the most powerful and practical exploration of this topic available today.